Speak Up Episode 2: Favorite Sports and Hobbies
Speak Up Episode 2: Favourite Sports and Hobbies, the second session of the English speaking activities organised jointly with the Department of Physical Education Teaching, was successfully held.Assist. Assist. Aslıhan AYGÜNEŞ and Assist. Assist. Ferhat DEMİR coordinated by Aslıhan AYGÜNEŞ and Ferhat DEMİR, the event allowed our students to improve their English language skills and have interactive conversations on enjoyable topics such as favourite sports and hobbies.
The event was also attended by the Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Dr. Prof. Dr. Murat ÇELEBİ, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Sevim Handan YILMAZ and Assist. Assist. Ayşe Kübra AKTAŞ also participated in the event and contributed to enriching the event and increasing the participation of students.
The Speak Up series continues to offer our students the opportunity to improve their language skills in a pleasant and supportive environment. We look forward to the next sessions and thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event!